Welcome to my portfolio

My name is Steven Adamson and I am a student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I come from a small town in southeastern IL called Sumner. I have had all types of opportunities while living in my small town doing everything from working in customer service to working on farms and for trucking companies. When I came to the university I realized my passion in life is in Natual Resources and Environmental science, which is the bachelor’s degree I am currently pursuing. I am concentrating in Fish and Wildlife Conservation. I have the drive to learn about fish and wildlife and have always loved being outside and exploring. Ever since I could stand, I loved fish. My grandfather used to bring back all the fish he would catch on his fishing trips so that I could see them and as soon as I was able to start fishing on my own I did. My love for fish may have started with fish but it certainly did not end there! I began going on hunting trips for whitetail deer with my dad and instantly fell in love with that hobby as well. Since then I have tried hunting all types of games and have not been on a hunt I didn’t love. This love for hunting has also peaked my interest in eating in a sustainable manner and learning about why it is not only healthier but better for the environment. This way of thinking landed me an opportunity to work at the Sustainable Student Farm here on campus where I have learned even more about growing all types of fruits and vegetables and have even helped sell them at our farmer’s market stand on the quad. I hope you enjoy exploring my site and find how my life experiences have helped shape me into the hard-working and creative person I am today.